Let me begin this article by saying that I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday, and there is nothing like it. Everyone is on vacation, there's good food, and more than anything the atmosphere is unbeatable. Now lets get to the matter at hand, when is it acceptable to start playing Christmas music? Some people like it, some don't, I am personally a big fan as it puts me in the Christmas spirit and I think it adds to the happy atmosphere. What I am not okay with is people playing the music starting in November. When the fuck did this become acceptable? I mean, what are we doing? My god. What makes the music and time of year so special is that it is one month out of twelve. By playing it for two months people are jumping the gun and taking away from the magic. Not only is it premature, but it is a giant slap in the face to Thanksgiving. Has society forgotten that we have this holiday at the end of November that is amazing and deserves its own due? I believe that Christmas music should only be played from December 1st to December 25th, not before and not after. I guess you can play it the day after Thanksgiving, but that's pushing it. People who play Christmas music before Thanksgiving are a disgrace to society and should be exiled.
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