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Top 10: Moments in Star Wars

Writer's picture: RJ CurreriRJ Curreri

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

With the imminent release of the ninth and final chapter in the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, I decided to sit down and rank what I think are the ten moments that define the iconic series. From A New Hope to The Last Jedi, here is my list:

Honorable Mentions:

  • Celebration on Endor (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)

  • Order 66 (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)

  • The Opera House (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)

  • Luke's Sacrifice on Crait (Star Wars: The Last Jedi)

10. Obi-Wan's Sacrifice (Star Wars: A New Hope)

When Star Wars first hit theaters in 1977, audiences were overwhelmed by the magical galaxy they were introduced to and captivated by the mystery that is the Force. One of the most jaw-dropping examples of the Force in action is Obi-Wan's sacrifice at the hands of his former apprentice Darth Vader. With Luke Skywalker and friends attempting to escape the Death Star, Obi-Wan seizes the opportunity to bide them time while also showing Luke the power of the Force by lowering his defenses and allowing Vader to strike him down. To the audience's and Luke's surprise; however, Obi-Wan vanishes into thin air leaving only his robe and lightsaber behind. This moment adds to the mystery and mythology of the Force, and leaves people wondering, where did Obi-Wan go?

9. Rey Finds Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)

No matter your opinion on Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it's hard to deny the feeling in the theater when Luke Skywalker was revealed at the end of The Force Awakens. Absent from the entire film up until this moment, Luke's disappearance drives the narrative of the film and leaves the audience wondering what has happened to Luke in the 30 years since Return of the Jedi. This moment perfectly captures what Star Wars is all about: hope. Rey travels to the home of the first Jedi Temple on Ahch-To, desperate for Luke's help as the galaxy once agains finds itself in the shadow of the Dark Side. With no words even spoken, the image of Luke's withered-face staring across at the hopefulness of Rey holding the Skywalker lightsaber was powerful enough to send the franchise into a new era, leaving endless possibilities.

8. Luke Defies the Emperor (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)

The entire throne-room sequence at the end of Return of the Jedi is arguably the best sequence in the entire saga. With Luke's fateful confrontation with his father and the watchful eye of the Emperor, the Original Trilogy is concluded in a stunning and emotional fashion. One of the moments that stands out the most is Luke's denial of the Dark Side in the face of the Emperor. With his father defeated, Luke stands before the Emperor, tosses aside his lightsaber, and utters the famous line, "Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." This moment defines the character of Luke Skywalker and everything the Jedi represent. Luke heeds the words of Yoda and would rather die than give into the darkness.

7. Luke Blows Up the Death Star (Star Wars: A New Hope)

It's perhaps the most iconic moment in the first film and sets the stage for the series going forward. The rag-tag Rebel Alliance destroys the Empire's planet-killing weapon with the help of the young moisture farmer from Tatooine, Luke Skywalker. It's a story-book ending and one that leaves audiences smiling from ear to ear. It also serves as yet another example of the mystery of the Force when just before firing the fatal shot, Luke hears the voice of his fallen-mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi say, "Use the Force, Luke." The rest is history.

6. Yoda Lifts the X-Wing (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)

There's so much that can be said about this moment. The buildup is incredible as Yoda leads Luke through his trials on Dagobah all building up to the moment when Luke is unable to lift his X-Wing out of the swampy water. It's when Luke gives up all hope that Yoda says "Hold my beer" and lifts the ship out with ease. The combination of amazing visuals and magnificent score by John Williams make this scene what it is. The audience is Luke in this scene as they are mesmerized by the impossible feat achieved by the ancient Yoda, showing the true power of the Force and what it takes to wield it. It's moments like these that make Star Wars so special.

5. Han is Frozen in Carbonite (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)

The Empire Strikes Back is widley-regarded as the best in the saga for many reasons but most notably because of its dark, cliff-hanger of an ending. After being betrayed by Lando Calrissian and captured by Darth Vader on Cloud City, Han Solo is used to test the carbonite-freezing method Darth Vader wishes to use on Luke. This is a heart-breaking scene the audience, much like Princess Leia and Chewbacca, is forced to watch as their beloved-scoundrel Han Solo is subjected to an unclear fate. It is here that the iconic "I love you, I know" exchange between Han and Leia occurs and although Han is said to still be alive by the end of the film, the audience is not yet relieved as he leaves in hands of Boba Fett and the infamous Jabba the Hutt.

4. The Chosen One (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)

The only moment from the prequels that cracked this list but boy is it a good one. No matter your thoughts on the prequel trilogy, the majority of fans appreciate the grand finale on Mustafar that sees master and apprentice battle it out. When the prequels were announced, everyone knew that the new trilogy would lead up to this moment when Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, falls to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Vader. The incredible lightsaber duel that precedes this aside, the pure hatred in the eyes of Anakin as he burns on the ground and the frustrated yet mournfulness of Obi-Wan is portrayed perfectly as each word they utter is felt by the audience. Obi-Wan's tragic lines, "You were my brother, Anakin" and "You were the chosen one," never fail to bring chills down my spine. When George Lucas talks about creating an operatic epic, this is what he means.

3. The Binary Sunset (Star Wars: A New Hope)

The beauty of this moment isn't in its contents but rather everything it means for the story in and outside of the film. This short scene that sees Luke gazing out at the twin sunset on Tatooine is accompanied by the hopeful rendition of the force theme and is the beginning of Luke's hero journey. In this moment, Luke is a character who is longing for a life of purpose and wants to leave the boring life he lives for one of adventure and thrills. Without this "baptism-like" moment for Luke and the audience, I'm not sure the magical journey would've felt the same.

2. Vader's Revelation to Luke (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)

If you asked anyone what they think the defining moment of the saga is, almost everyone would answer with this one. I didn't not place this in the number one spot just to be different as you'll see there is a moment that I feel is more deserving of that title. Obviously, there has never been a more shocking and iconic moment in Star Wars than this one as it literally changed the story as we know it. The revelation that the dreaded, evil Darth Vader is the father of the heroic Luke Skywalker left audiences in awe and disbelief back in 1980 and it forever became perhaps the most iconic moment in cinematic history. Taking away it's shock-value, however, it doesn't quite feel as meaningful to the series as the next moment on the list. It's still an incredible staple of the series and one that will be quoted for all the years to come but when I constructed this list I tried to eliminate the pop-culture norms and evaluate each moment as it pertains to the overall narrative. That is why this moment lands at number two.

1. Vader Overthrows the Emperor (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)

If you look at George Lucas' original six entries in the saga, it's clear that they all lead up to this moment: the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Obviously, there was no knowledge of the prequels when audiences first saw this scene but it still packs a powerful punch as Darth Vader, the greatest villain of all-time, turns good in order to save his son. It's beautiful, it's poetic, it's legendary. The execution of the moment visually could've been better but what it symbolizes in the overall story masks any of its shortcomings. The juxtaposition of Luke dying on the floor with the Emperor's lightning flowing through his body and that of the conflicted Vader looking upon it is special; it's as if you can see the eyes of Anakin Skywalker beneath the mask remembering his wife Padme Amidala and the joy he felt when he found out she was pregnant. Star Wars has always been a story about hope. As described by George Lucas himself, it's a "space opera" about family and there is no better familial moment than this one between father and son, the redeemed and the redeemer. Because of this, it is what I believe to be the defining moment of the saga.



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