Ah, yes... Christmas time is here and that means Christmas movies new and old are emerging. I'm a big fan of the Christmas season; I take it all in from music to movies. I started the season a little early here seeing the new adaption of Dr. Seuss' classic "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." This animated incarnation from Illumination Studios starring Benedict Cumberbatch is heaping pile of meh. Did I believe another Grinch movie was necessary? No, not really, but when I heard about the cast and studio involved, I was relatively intrigued. I'm a huge fan of Jim Carrey's live-action Grinch (top 5 Christmas movie of all-time) and the original animated movie, and to me this new version adds nothing special. Actually, I feel like the Grinch's story, which was simple from the start, was stripped down. Aside from a few new characters, the only real changes I noticed was an annoying narration by Pharrell and making Cindy Lou's mom a single mother, which is cool... I guess?
The Grinch simply just doesn't add anything to the original story to justify a remake. Benedict Cumberbatch is fine in the lead role and there are some sprinkled laughs throughout, but this movie doesn't have much life to it. Maybe its because I'm an 18-year old watching a children's animated movie, but I couldn't help find myself checking the time on my phone. Despite my age, I don't think that's why I didn't enjoy the movie; after all, I enjoyed Incredibles 2 earlier this year. Do I think kids will enjoy this movie? Yes, but lets be honest if its a cartoon with talking animals, they'll watch.
Listen, this movie isn't an atrocity, but it also isn't a masterpiece. The Grinch simply doesn't add anything that the previous adaptions didn't have, if anything it takes some away. Even if you're a Grinch fan, or just a Christmas movie buff, this is an at-home watch unless you got kids and I don't think anyone reading this has kids, so stay home.
My Score: D+