I'll just start off by saying this the BEST SPIDER-MAN MOVIE OF ALL-TIME.
(mic drop)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is Sony's first attempt at an animated feature-film starring Spider-Man and man is it a good one. With a voice cast consisting of Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Nic Cage, and Mahershala Ali, this film brings together Miles Morales' Spider-Man and many others in a fun, action-filled ride.
I'm a huge Spider-Man fan; he ranks second behind Batman on my list and the Tobey Maguire movies made up my childhood. This film not only respects the past incarnations of the character, but it also builds upon them. When I first saw the trailer for this I was immediately captivated by the unique, comic-book-like style animation that I'd never quite seen before. Now that I've seen it in full, I can safely say it's spectacular. The way the artists and directors were able to make this film feel like a comic coming to life was masterful and the visuals of the world they created shines throughout; I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing studios apply this to some other of our favorite heroes. The cast, as stated before, is great; the standouts being Shameik Moore as Miles, Jake Johnson as Peter, and Nicholas Cage as Spider-Man Noir. All the actors did a fantastic job bringing life to these characters and it definitely affected this film greatly.
When I said this is the best Spider-Man movie ever, I mean it. This movie represents what Spider-Man means to a tee while delivering laughs, tears, and gasps. The relationship between Miles and his parents, his friends, and most notably his uncle, are what drive this story forward. Without giving anything away, the main villain Kingpin, voiced by Liev Schreiber, is a wonderful villain with surprisingly deep and relatable motives that make the audience sympathetic to his cause.
I can't really go much more in depth without spoilers but overall, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a perfect origin story. Everything from the cast to the visuals is money as this is a refreshing and new take on a comic-book movie. Like I said before, this is the best Spidey movie of all-time. Go see it.
My Score: A- (new grading system)