Hunter Killer, starring Gerald Butler and Gary Oldman (yes, the Oscar winning actor), follows a veteran submarine captain, played by Butler, who is thrusted into an underwater conflict after a US submarine is sunken by the Russians. The best way to describe this movie is that its like a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 mission that pits the US against Russia in a possible World War 3 commencing scenario. I went into this movie with all the negative critic reviews in the back of my mind, expecting to see a b-level movie. To my surprise, Hunter Killer is actually a solid action/suspense film and a half-way decent war movie.
The majority of this movie is told through the perspective of Butler's character Capt. Joe Glass on the US submarine Arkansas. We also get to see the perspectives of an on-ground strike team and a political war room occupied by Gary Oldman and Common. I had not seen Common in anything prior to this film and if this is any indication of his talent as an actor, it's safe to say I'm not anticipating his next role. Other than him, however, the cast pretty much delivers. Gerald Butler, who is now known for being in really shitty action movies, is actually more than serviceable in this role. I bought him as a veteran submarine captain who had been through some shit and he really established himself as a respectable leader. One scene in particular takes place early in the film when Butler delivers an intimate speech to his new crew. This was the scene that got me engaged in the movie and almost made me throw a fist in the air. It was badass and American, although those terms are synonymous with each other. Gary Oldman is solid in a role that its safe to say he did for the paycheck after winning best actor for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour. The group of soldiers who are tasked with extracting the Russian president are good too and that plot line, which seems unnecessary at first, ends up being a highlight of the movie.
In terms of the plot, its as you should expect from your typical popcorn action movie, but the submarine aspect was quite refreshing. There are some boring moments sprinkled throughout, but the action sequences, especially underwater, are intense and gripping. The third act of this movie is actually pretty great and that bodes well in the long run. Hunter Killer is a fresh take on a 90s-style action movie and provides the audience with a somewhat believable plot and characters you can get behind.
My Score: C-