Wow does time fly by. As I write this article we are less than a week away from the premiere of season 8 of Game of Thrones. I cannot express how excited and sad I am at the same moment. While I can't wait for the best show ever to return, I also will be so sad when it comes to a close. As the first episode approaches the anticipation heightens through multiple interviews from the cast and all the episodes being aired on HBO. I have been writing less blogs because I have been very business recently, but I am so excited for thrones that I figured I could write a couple blogs before Sunday. The first one will be on my favorite seasons of thrones with explanations on each season.
7. Season 7: Every season of thrones is better than 99% of everything else on television. However, when comparing each season against one another there has to be a worst and that is season 7. The show stepped away from many of the things that made it so great over the years. There was overly fast pacing, predictable outcomes, and a reduced role for Tyrion for the second season in a row. With that said, a lot of this is inevitable with the direction the plot is taking against the White Walkers. There was some political drama, but most of it was predictable. Most viewers knew that Arya and Sansa wouldn't be turned against each other and it was safe to assume that Jon and Dany would join forces once Jon reached Dragonstone. A big problem for this season was the episode "Beyond the Wall". The show had been building towards this episode for a very long time and it ultimately came up a little flat. The visuals were amazing, but for only Thoros of Myr to die against all of those White Walkers seems unrealistic for a show that is always realistic. Also, Gendry could challenge Usain Bolt with how fast he made it back to The Wall. The episode did have its moments with the Ice Dragon, but when comparing it to other big episodes of thrones it doesn't stack up. With all of this being said, there are a lot of great moments too. The finale was solid and it was great to see Jaime finally see Cersei for what she is and leave her. The Queen of Thorns went out like a legend and "The Spoils of War" is probably a top ten episode ever. I cannot overstate how amazing that episode was. To see Dany come in on her dragon and the Dothraki charging in was insane. The sequence following Bronn was extremely well done and the ending left fans wondering for an entire week if Jaime was dead or alive. The season certainly has its flaws, but it is still amazing.
Best Ep of Season: Episode 4 "Spoils of War"
Rating: 9/10
6. Season 5: Ahhhhh yes Season 5. The first season of the show that goes away from the books, and it shows. A major issue of the novels is that George R.R. Martin introduces way too many new storylines deep in the books and that is why he's taking so long to finish. For these reasons the show had to steer away from the books and do their own thing. That is the biggest problem with this season, the new storylines. Everything that happens in Dorne is forgettable. It's a shame because Oberyn Martell was so awesome the season before and everything that happens in Dorne kind of sucks. The worst are the Sandsnakes who do nothing except be annoying. The other poor plot choice is pairing Sansa with Ramsey. There is really no need for this. Sansa's who arch has here learning from Baelish after years of torment and it all reverses in this season when she again suffers under Ramsey. It's not as if we need a reminder of how cruel Ramsey is, so there's really no point to this at all and it sucks to watch. A slightly disappointing part of the season was Arya in Braavos. There was so much mystery and intrigue surrounding Jaqen H'ghar and when Arya decided to go there it seemed we'd finally get our pay off. Instead, we got Arya scrubbing floors and being bullied by the worst character in the entire show, The Waif. Alright now to the good stuff. I feel a very underrated part of the show is Jon and Stannis paired together at the wall. You could see the admiration that Stannis has for Jon and it was cool to see them together because it seems like an unlikely pairing. The other underrated part of the series is everything with Tyrion. This was the first season he wasn't in Westeros and I thought his plot line was very unique and interesting this season. He has always had a great dynamic with Varys, and Jorah capturing him was a great twist. Tyrion and Jorah together were a nice duo and everything that happened in the pits with the dragon and Harpy was cool to see. The season has a very strong finish with three of the most memorable moments of the show occurring in the last two episodes. In two episodes you get Stannis burning his daughter, the walk of shame, and Jon dying. All of these were shocking, iconic, and stand as some of the biggest scenes of the show. Ok, now to the best part of the season, HARDHOME. Amazing, fantastic, spectacular. It is my second favorite episode of the entire show and could be the considered the best. When Jon's sword holds up against the White Walker and he strikes him down I literally screamed when it happened upon first watch. It really showed you that the Army of the Dead means business. What tops it off is seeing the Night King turn everyone who died into his soldiers and his arm lift could be the single most famous shot from the entire series.
Best Ep of Season: Episode 8: "Hardhome"
Rating: 9/10
5. Season 6: I know, I know many people will disagree with this spot for season 6 and its just preference. I love season 6 and depending on the day it could be as high as number two on this list, but today I'm going with it as the fifth best season. The best way to describe season 6 is that it has the highest of highs and the other parts of the season are somewhat forgettable. None of the forgettable stuff is bad, it just gets overshadowed by three of the best episodes of the entire show. The first truly amazing episode of this season is "The Door". Bran's place in thrones has always been unique because he's been separate from everyone else for the most part. In this episode though we get some great action with Bran's crew when he gets touched by the Night King in a vision. The best part is the noble sacrifice by Hodor. Before this episode Hodor was the joke of the show, but after the shocking reveal of his origins and Hodor dying for Bran he is now considered a hero. The two MVPs of this season are Jon and Cersei. It starts in the Battle of the Bastards. We get an amazingly realistic battle sequence that ends in Jon beating the shit out of Ramsey. Jons hot streak continues when he is named King of the North by the northmen. This moment happens simultaneously with the reveal of Jons true parents. Personally, I find this to be the best scene in the entire show by far. It's as shocking as it is rewarding and the camera cutting from baby Jon to him as King in the North is perfect. Now to Cersei, her blowing up the sept was fucking ruthless. Only Cersei would blow up the sept and murder that many people to take out the few she wanted gone. The buildup is perfect too with the "Light of the Seven" being played and the eery feeling that is leading to the big explosion. It's capped off perfectly with Cersei just sipping her wine in satisfaction. Other great parts of the season that get forgotten about include Arya murdering Walder Frey and Dany finally fucking up Meereen and making the move to Westeros. When I first watched the show I thought this was the best season and as I write this I think I screwed up putting it this low. The highs of this season are better than any other and make the last two episodes of the season the best back to back of any in the whole show.
Best Ep of the season: Episode 10: "The Winds of Winter"
Rating: 9.7
4. Season 1: The season that started it all. It's great to go back and watch the first episode seeing all the Starks so happy in Winterfell. It was a simpler time. This season is more of a straightforward plot, but still has a ton of stuff that grabs first time viewers. The show opens with the white walker sequence and just leaves that for the audience to keep in the back of their minds as everything else goes down. The first wow moment of the show is Bran being pushed out of the window. It's the perfect way to end a pilot and leaves the audience wanting more right off the bat. We are conditioned to love the Starks, but we also fall in love with the Imp. The rest of his family seems to be smug, but Tyrion is hilarious and humble. We see Tyrion meet Bronn in the trial by combat which was really cool. The main character of this season is obviously Lord Eddard. In this world of liars the only honest man seems to be Ned. We root for him throughout and when he's executed it is likely the most shocking moment of the entire show. Upon first watch I never in a million years thought that the main character would be killed off in the first season but that's what makes the show great. From that moment on the audience knows that anyone can die at any time and that is different from every show. Upon first watch this season can be very confusing with so many characters, places, and names to remember. However enough happens and is made clear that the viewer is able to understand the important stuff. An underrated part of the season that I enjoyed is Dany and Khal Drogo. We only get to see them for one season but the whole thing with the Dothraki was really cool. It's in these scenes between the savage gore and raping that we get the full picture of the show. One of the best moments of the show is when Drogo pours the hot gold over Viserys in the first major death of the show. This season is a great introduction to the world of Westeros and sets the stage for the rest of the show. Oh and we get Robb Stark calling the banners. The King in the North!
Best Ep of the Season: Episode 9 "Baelor"
Rating: 9.7
3. Season 2: The most under appreciated season of the entire show. It may lack the big moments of other seasons, but makes up for it in the great political maneuvering and all the great storylines. The show offers gory battle scenes, tons of nudity, mysterious magical elements, and best of all great political drama. This season is peak thrones when it comes to the politics. We can thank Tyrion as hand of the king for that. It's so great to see him wheeling and dealing in Kings Landing with Bronn at his side. Other minor characters like Baelish and Varys are still very much in the fold and add more to the great stuff in Kings Landing. Another great part of this season is seeing the build up of Robb. After the death of Ned there is no one who I rooted harder for in the show than Robb. In this season he is gaining momentum and he is just the best. Every scene I watch with Robb I am glued to the screen waiting for him to avenge Ned. One of the coolest parts of this season is Arya at Harrenhal. Her dynamic and chemistry with Tywin is a great change from the books and we can see a mutual respect between the two. The best part of the Harrenhal sequence is Jaqen H'ghar. The man is so mysterious and we have no idea how he is able to switch faces and murder people so effortlessly. It only adds to the great lure of fantasy in the show. Overall the war of the 5 kings is why I love this season so much. We get a little bit of everyone and it's perfect. Aside from the war we get to see Jon meet Ygritte. This is definitely my favorite relationship in the show and their chemistry together is fantastic. In season 1 Jon didn't do much and we get to see more of him in season 2. Low key all of his scenes behind the wall have amazing scenery which adds to how great his scenes are. Many people don't think much of the Quarth storyline, but I actually like it. I think the city is really cool and colorful. We get her visions in the House of the Undying which allows the audience to speculate on what is to come. The most memorable part of the season is the Battle of Blackwater Bay. This is the first great battle of the show and doesn't disappoint. What makes it great and different from other battles is that it provides superb action and also allows for personal character moments within the battle. It also does what the show is great at, which is being torn on who to root for. You want Stannis to come in and kill the Lannisters, but you also love Tyrion and want him to prevail. There's not as many singular huge moments in this season, but instead there's a steady flow of good episode after good episode.
Best Ep of the Season: Episode 9: "Blackwater"
Rating: 9.7
2. Season 3: This is the season where the show really hits its stride. There is so much going on and every storyline is strong. I guess where'll start in King Landing where Tyrion and Cersei are going at it as usual. Except this time we get to see Tywin and the Tyrells more frequently which only adds to the drama. The bigggest transformation this season comes from Jaime as he spends more time with Brienne. From day 1 Jaime has been a complete jackass so when he got his hand cut off I was very happy. After this great shock though I started to love Jaime as he became humble. The scene in the bathtub makes you realize that he's not a bad guy after all and he did what he had to do when killing the Mad King. If that wasn't enough he saves Brienne from the bear when he didn't have to. If things weren't cynical enough in the show we start seeing Ramsey torture Theon. I hate Theon for betraying Robb, but all of those scenes are screwed up and start the path for another iconic villain. This season Arya finds herself traveling with Hot Pie and Gendry in the Riverlands. These three together have a great dynamic and we get introduced to the Brotherhood Without Banners. Even though they are outlaws and take Arya for ransom they seem like good guys. In a great twist they run into the Hound, setting up one of the best fights of the show. The battle between Beric and Sandor is awesome, and Beric being resurrected adds more to the fantasy aspect of things. At the end of the season Arya and the Hound form their tandem which may be the best pairing the show has ever had. Beyond the wall Jon has "joined" the wildlings and his great back and forth with Ygritte is one full display. We get to see Mance Rayder and Tormund who are both likable characters even though they are wildlings. Jon's season 3 path ends sadly as he is forced to abandon Ygritte and almost reunites with Bran too. What gets forgotten about in season 3 is everything with Dany. Looking back at it she has a great season and a ton happens with her. She adds Barristan Selmy, the Unsullied, Missandei, and Daario Naharis to her squad. One of the best scenes of the show is when she tricks the slave master and gets her army without giving up her dragon. Her season finishes with the Mhysa scene where she is celebrated by all the free slaves which gives optimism for the future after the events of episode 9. Now to the big stuff with Red Wedding. Just when it seems like Robb is rising up and is gunna make his big move against the Lannisters he gets screwed. The most shocking and heartbreaking scene of the entire show is absolutely ruthless. Not only is Robb killed at a freaking wedding, but his wife and unborn child are brutally stabbed and Catelyn has her neck slit open. To add salt on the wound Grey Wind dies and we see Arya come so close to happiness to have it taken away again. From beginning to end this season is a masterpiece and almost every episode is one the the best of the series. I'd compare it to Kanye's album Graduation because its banger after banger.
Best Ep of the Season: Episode 9: "The Rains of Castamere"
Rating: 9.8/10
1. Season 4: The best season of the best show. It's the 72 Dolphins of seasons, pure perfection. Usually seasons take four or five episodes to get going, but this one starts with a bang in the Purple Wedding. Fans of the show finally get the moment they've been waiting for when Joffrey bites the dust. This also sets up the rest of the season for Tyrion. Peter Dinklage gives that best speech of the entire show and declares another trial by combat to start the epic span of episodes. In this season episodes 6-10 are all unreal and is the best stretch of episodes in the entire series. It's just big moment after big moment. You start with Tyrions speech, then its Oberyns speech, Baelish killing Lysa, Oberyns death, the wildling attack on the wall, and Tyrion saucing up Tywin. All in consecutive episodes! There's no other stretch like it and that's why this season is great. The acting in this season is top notch and there are really no weak spots in anything that happens. Even storylines away from the Wall and Kings Landing are great like Arya and the Hound. They have amazing chemistry and the duel with Brienne is one of the best scenes of the show. The season even ends perfectly with the last scene being Arya in a ship heading to Braavos leaving the audience to wonder what she'll do next with the mysterious coin. Oh and the show introduces a character that everyone falls in love with in only 8 episodes and then kills off in the most savage way possible. Oberyn was only in one season but he's such a great character that people still remember and talk about him a lot. The saddest part of the season for me was seeing Ygritte die. She was one of my favorites and to see her die from that punk Ollie was tough. However, that episode is sensational and only adds to the legend that is Jon Snow. All in all many people agree this is the best season and I will not disagree. Season 4 is pretty much perfect.
Best Ep of the Season: Episode 9 "The Watchers on the Wall"/ Episode 6 "The Laws of Gods and Men"
Rating: 9.9/10
That'll do it for my rankings of the show. I'm pretty set on where I rank seasons 7,5, and 4. As for the other seasons those rankings can change depending on the day. I did rush to write this because I get too excited and impatient to wait, but I did the best I could. I may or may not come out with more thrones blogs, we'll see how I'm feeling. There are probably very few people who read this article and even less that made it to the end, but if you read it all then thank you I appreciate it. Sunday cannot come fast enough.