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Death Predictions for the Battle of Winterfell

Writer's picture: RJ CurreriRJ Curreri

This upcoming weekend is shaping-up to be the greatest weekend of all-time. With Avengers: Endgame releasing in theaters and S8 E3 of Game of Thrones premiering Sunday night, we're in for a treat. This treat may also be a little tart though as we will most likely be losing some of our most beloved characters from the MCU and Game of Thrones. With this in mind, I've set out to prepare you all for the loses we will suffer come Sunday night when the White Walkers arrive at Winterfell for the showdown we've all been waiting for. Here's who I believe will meet their end at 9 P.M. this Sunday:

Jorah Mormont

If I had any doubt of Jorah's death coming at Winterfell, it was washed away during his encounter with Sam in the previous episode. The emotional moment between the two characters ends with Sam handing Jorah the family sword of House Tarly "Heartsbane" saying what sounds to be a final farewell.

"I'll see you when it's through," said Sam the Slayer. We'll see about that...

Grey Worm

Dead. Very dead.

Once again, Grey Worm shared a heartwarming moment before battle with Missandei where he promises to take to her to Naath after the war is won. Well, I hate to break it to you, Missandei, but don't buy two tickets in advance. Grey Worm has served Daenerys for basically the whole show and it's only fitting that he falls in her service.

Theon Greyjoy

Theon went from a character I had no interest in to one of my favorites in a matter of an hour last Sunday. His arc in this series is arguably right up there with Jaime's and his return to Winterfell to fight for the Stark's completes the circle. His promise to defend Bran, the boy he stole Winterfell from, in the Godswood will most likely end in his demise but Theon Greyjoy, you've earned my respect. I hope his death is a noble one.

2/3 Dragons

Now that it's been established that the dragon's will have a role in this battle defending Bran in the Godswood, it's a safe bet at least one of them will go down. My prediction is that Drogon or Rhaegal dies in the fight as well as undead Viserion assuming he and the Night King will be present. If I had to pick which of the two living ones will die I'd probably go with Drogon just cause that would be the biggest loss for Daenerys, but, hell, they could all die.

Edd Tollet

"Last man alive... burn the rest."

That scene on the battlements between Jon, Sam, and Edd last episode was great as it mirrored their nervous preparation for the wildling attack on the Wall, but it also was most likely the last time those three will be together. Seeing that I don't see Jon or Sam dying at all this season, Edd's watch will most likely end, packing an emotional loss for both Sam and Jon.

Tormund Giantsbane

Tormund stole the show by the fire in the last episode with his hilarious origin story but unfortunately his story probably will come to an end just an episode later. Tormund is a fighter and the only way I can see him going out is in a fight. I don't see what more of a purpose he could have in this story so it's likely this is where it ends. One thing is sure, he'll be bloody tough take down though.

Beric Dondarrion

Beric is another character who's story is pretty much done and he's preached all along about the fight against the Night King being his final stand; not to mention, he's already dead in the books. So farewell, Beric... hopefully we get one more badass monologue before you die... again.

Podrick Payne

I was originally skeptical of Pod dying this season but after seeing his improvement fighting-wise and his emotional song performance in the last episode, this could be the end. If it happens though I feel like it will be off-screen as Pod isn't someone the fans want to see meet a gruesome end.

Brienne of Tarth

This was a tough one for me. I had originally written her off easily for this episode but then after seeing her knighted at the hand of Jaime I doubted it. I'm going to stick with my gut here though as I think she needs to die so this episode doesn't just kill off minor characters; however, I could also see her finishing off the series by Sansa's side.


Night King - the reason I don't have this guy on my list is because we don't even know if he's going to be at the battle. If he is though, he's going out, and it's very possible the White Walker conflict is resolved in these 82-minutes.

Jaime Lannister - the previous episode focused heavily on Jaime with strong scenes between him and Tyrion and him and Brienne. On the surface, one would think Jaime's end is inevitable here but I still think his destiny lies in Kings Landing.

Gendry - the last Baratheon... Robert would be proud. After seeing Arya and Gendry finally together, part of me is wondering if Gendry will end up on the Iron Throne after-all. How ironic would it be after 8 seasons of claiming she wasn't a lady, Arya becomes the Queen to King Gendry? It's a longshot and probably just as likely that he goes out in this episode as one final gut-punch for Arya.


Daenerys Targaryen - as I think more about the possibilities, this is quickly rising as a very possible scenario. Dany's conflict with the Starks has been brewing for two episodes and finally reached a dangerous level when Jon revealed his true lineage so it wouldn't surprise me if Dany makes a brash decision that leads to her death.

Arya Stark - going into this season, I would have had Arya on the list to die here but at this point in the season, it feels like her story isn't done yet. I think it's safe to say that either her or Gendry could die but definitely not both.

Bran Stark - I originally had Bran finishing out the season and still lean towards that but if he is going die it will be here. They've set-up something big for Bran going into this episode and I could see some kind of sacrificial death with Bran in an effort to kill the Night King but once again, it's not likely since he is the world's memories.



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