Last night in Foxborough, MA, two of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers, faced off against each other for the first time since 2014. The media had a parade with this event, even managing to pull Michael Jordan away from the casino to promote the game. Two people I've mentioned in this article have something major in common and it's not Brady and Rodgers, it's Brady and Jordan.
The term "GOAT" has been around for a while now and has become a staple in sports discussions. The term is an acronym for the phrase "Greatest of All-Time," used in reference to a player who is the best at what he does. Example:
"Michael Phelps is the GOAT of Olympic athletes."
This statement is the correct use of the term "GOAT." Here is an incorrect use of it:
"The two GOATS, Brady and Rodgers, are facing off tonight at Gillette Stadium."
What is wrong with this statement, you may ask? Well, first and foremost, Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers play the same sport, and there can only be one GOAT of a given sport. Now, if Rodgers and Brady didn't play the same position this use of the term would be acceptable because there is a GOAT for each position played on the field, court, and ice. The issue lies in the fact that they do play the same position in the same sport. Tom Brady is not only the GOAT of QB's, but he his also the GOAT of any NFL player ever. To call Rodgers and Brady GOATS is such a blasphemous and incorrect use of the term. It's like saying, "I wish we got to see the two GOATS, Kobe and Jordan, play against each other in their primes." NO! Kobe and Jordan played the same position in the same game. There can only be one GOAT of shooting guards and that is Michael Jordan. There can only be one GOAT of NBA players and that is also Michael Fucking Jordan!!! So, never again utter the phrase "GOAT" in a sentence with Brady and Rodgers unless it says, "The GOAT Tom Brady took a heaping dump on Aaron Rodgers at Gillette last night. 31-17 bitches."
There you have it. As we move forward, the term "GOAT" must be sustained and kept holy. It should not be thrown around like a football or be spoken in the incorrect situation. We all know who is on the Mount Rushmore of GOATS: Brady, Jordan, Gretzky, Ruth. It will stay that way until further notified by the sports gods.